Momnai Solar PV Project

The Project

Country Kenya
Fund Frontier Energy II
Participation Developer lead equity
Type Solar PV
Capacity 19.5 MW net / 24.6MW gross
Expected CO2 emission reductions 23,000 tCOeq/annum
State of development Operating

The Momnai Project is a 19.5MW C&I Solar PV project with Bamburi Cement as the offtaker. The project has two sites one in Mombasa 14.5MW and one in Nairobi 5MW that is delivering power to Bamburi Cement Plants. The Project is in operation.

Frontier Involvement

Froniter Energy II is the sole shareholder in the project company Momnai Energy Limited and has been the developer of the project. Frontier Energy II will finance the project all equity without senior debt from lenders.